Bicipital Fine - s/t
(September 2017)
From Noah:
ORT020 : Bicipital Fine / Bicipital Fine
Somewhere up North. Maybe. A small abandoned Village. Plants finding their way through
the cracks in the concrete. Reconquering. Creaking. Howling. A beauteous force. One
Force of resistance and bloom. Something small but powerful, forging ahead. Little by little
and irresistible – Causing a tender friction.
Bicipital Fine. Five. Derek Baron, Cameron Kapoor, Brad Henkel, John Andrew Wilhite and
Noah Punkt. A euro-american encounter of quiet force, of soft and fragile tugging. This
wonderful music is an abrasive minimalism full of curiosity and creative urge.
Derek Baron – Flute, Objects
Cameron Kapoor – Guitar, Objects
Brad Henkel – Trumpet
John Andrew Wilhite – Double Bass
Noah Punkt – Double Bass, Recorder
Recorded in Leipzig, DE, December 2017.
Released by
Off Record Label, September 2017.
Order via the label
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